Jimmy Fallon Comedy Show at West Chester University...
Did you ever have one of those days where time seems to have slowed itself, just to make you suffer through school or work. Then a teacher or whoever says "Good things come to those who wait." Well I WAITED all day, and it paid off:) After that long torturous period of oh about 6 hours in school. My Jimmy Fallon adventure had begun. At 3 pm, My mom, brother, and I went to pick up my friend Sam. Then we drove were off to West Chester University. The car ride there was silent. Except for those few moments, where my mom would start yelling profanities if she drove the wrong way. I don't know what the rest of the passengers in the car were thinking about, but all I could think about was being hungry, and that I was about to go see one of my favorite comedy idols perform in the flesh. Not from a box with a screen in the living room. To start moving this story along through the boring times, and get to Jimmy Fallon. Yes, we did stop to eat at a Burger King. That's were we met my aunt, and my cousins, Alie and Bethy. It was only 5:30, so we walked around West Chester. Which I have to say is a cool little college town. I always thought since it was "West" that it would be the bad part of town, like West Philly. But no, my assumption was wrong. At 7:30, we went to the hall where the show was and got our seats, Row U, Right Orchestra section. Little did I know, Becca who owns The Jimmy Fallon Shrine, was sitting two seats to the left of me. If it wasn't for the updates on when Jimmy tours, I would not have know about this show. It's a small world, folks. Waiting, I also saw my online buddy, Shannon who owns Jimmy Fallon Funhouse. Everyone was kind of excited and crazy, so there wasn't much talking. I went back to my seat. At 8:00, they had comedy started off with comedian Daniel Tosh. He was hysterical! He had a much different act then Jimmy. Then about 30 minutes later, Daniel left the stage and Jimmy came on. He brought out his pink haired troll and placed it on a stool. Everyone started screaming out of control, then once he got settled he started off with his celebrity auditions( which was impressions of Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Sandler, etc.) All his impressions were genius! He had a few jokes, about how our parents used little squirt guns while now kids have those huge ass super soakers. Most of his jokes were based towards college students and their experiences. He also played his guitar a lot. He told us he was coming out with a c-d soon! But anyways, It was funny how we knew more songs then him. He forgot how to play his Spring Break songs! We helped him out though. Some girl yelled "You're GORGEOUS!" and he turned a little to the back to grab his water and replied "Aw, I'm embarrassed." People were yelling various things through out the night, which he always had a nice comeback for. I got one picture of him, because really you were not supposed to pictures. But hey, no one really cared. We didn't break the rules, we just bent them a little. Bethy, also did record the show only for her enjoyment, but all you can hear is a bunch of screaming girls that were sitting behind us. When Jimmy left the stage, there was a feeling of "aww, why does it have to be over." After the show, leaving I got to say hi to Becca. She is so nice. All Jimmy Fallon fans are. All people who like Jimmy Fallon are always so interesting and nice to talk too. I did not get to stay to see Jimmy afterwards. But my brother did get a picture with Daniel Tosh... both of them flipping the bird.